Adult Volunteers

The Scout Association is run by volunteers and it encourages parents and guardians to assist in the leadership team on a regular or occasional basis. Any support that you or your family can offer our Scout Group is welcomed, appreciated, valued and increasingly necessary. Further information on how all adults, not just parents and carers, can be involved is available below.

You can find an adult application form here

Section Assistants and Leaders

Section Assistants
If you wish to help then consider becoming a Section Assistant. This would involve helping a Section Leader deliver their Section’s Programme. There is a requirement to undertake ‘Getting Started Training’ and to complete the necessary DBS check if you have not already done so. Uniform is optional, and is paid for by the Group.

Within each section there is usually a Leader assisted by a number of Assistant Leaders. All sections must have at least one appointed Leader to be able to operate effectively. They are responsible for the delivery of the programme for their Section as well as the health and well being of the children in their care whilst on Scouting activities.

If you wish to jump straight in then consider joining the leadership team as a Leader. You don’t have to have a Scouting or Guiding background, just the willingness to help young people have fun and fulfil their greatest potential. It is great fun and rewarding for Leaders as well, just have a talk with a Section Leader or Julie, the Group Scout Leader.

Full training is provided by the Scout Association and uniform is provided by the Group. In addition, further advice and support is readily available from other Leaders in the Group, District and County.

Parent Helpers

The Scout Association lays down strict adult to child ratios for meetings and outings. In order to keep Sections open, parents are asked to attend a section meeting at least once a term to assist the Leaders in running the meeting and acting as Parent Helpers. As well as giving us practical help it also allows you to see what activities your child gets involved in.

It is The Scout Association’s policy that all adults who help out once a week (or on four occasions in a 30-day period) complete an Occasional Helper (OH) Form and the necessary checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). A member of the Scout Group will be in touch to arrange completion of this form. We hope you appreciate and feel re-assured by this safeguard. Any adult helping at a meeting is covered by Scout Insurance.

Group Administration

This is the role of the Group Executive Committee (the ‘Exec’), which comprises a Group Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary as well as a Parent Representative from each of the 3 sections, the Group Scout Leader and the Leader of each section.

The Exec are the body responsible for Group property and equipment, fundraising, finance and other administrative duties to support the Group Scout Leader in the running of the Scout Group. They are there to provide the resources and financing to enable the Section Leaders to deliver the Scouting programme and activities for the young people. If you have a flair for organisation, are good with finance or wish to represent the views of other parents on this Committee, please do not hesitate to contact Dave (Group Chairman) or Julie (Group Scout Leader). The committee try to meet frequently (either in person or virtually) and for the Group AGM which is held at the end of the summer term.

If you are interested in being involved in this way please Click here

To become a member of the Exec there is a requirement to undertake ‘Getting Started Training’ and to complete the Scouting-specific DBS check. For role descriptions available for all Exec members Click here

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III